As i was browsing through facebook, i click on my future sis in-law facebook along
i know that along is a very creative person...i know she likes to do all these creative stuff such as jahit baju (i consider it as creative..it needs creativity!), quilling and paper crafts...
from Along's fcebook page i come across this creative blog too called Lin Handmade Greetings Card. Sgt chomey card2 beliau!! love it!!
there's the GIVE AWAY POST!!
Anyone can join this GA. Be it a Blogger OR a Facebooker. And guess, anywhere you are...
All you need to do is make a post about this giveaway and make sure there's a link to the PAGE!!
Then. In the comment box under the original post, please leave...
Your Name , Your Email , Your Posted Link
PRIZES TO BE WON?? ~~~>> Little Attic Art's Product
DEADLINE??? ~~~>> 28th December 2011
3 Lucky Winners will be picked randomly and the winners will be announced on
All you need to do is make a post about this giveaway and make sure there's a link to the PAGE!!
Then. In the comment box under the original post, please leave...
Your Name , Your Email , Your Posted Link
PRIZES TO BE WON?? ~~~>> Little Attic Art's Product
DEADLINE??? ~~~>> 28th December 2011
3 Lucky Winners will be picked randomly and the winners will be announced on
30th December 2011.
i hope i can win something :)
i like to try quilling...i like to start being creative again...
i remember my school years where i really enjoy painting, paper craftings and especially frame designing...i remember acrylic painting days with my mom..
i miss those happy n non-stressing moments...
the best thing is.....you are able to see the end product...and be proud of it...
i think mom still hv her acrylic paints somewhere hidden in the store room....MOM!!!
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