Sunday, March 4, 2012

Wedding Card - Ready!!!

memandangkan my H2B telah secara rasminya meng'announce' tentang majlis perkahwinan kami kepada seluruh rakan sekerja (bg yang tak tau, kami berdua adalah opis-mate ;p)
well, so many wishes from all of them..sgt terharu sebenarnya...^_^
first and foremost, i am sorry for denying about our relationship...its for the better..kami takot tak jadi..
kalau diheboh2 kan nnt, dah tunang bagai..tetibe tak jadi..tak ke haru biru dibuatnye bg kami berdua??
one more month to go...
and today is my H2B birthday...
sayang ku...sorry..takde preparationfor your birthday... (terasa im a very bad GF  Tunang)

so, let me bring you all back to the main title....the wedding card is ready for distribution!!!

so, walk down to the memory lane of my wedding card pixtures ok....enjoy!!

Mama start tulis nama for jemputan...see my Ron mau kacau the process!!

trouble with the card : payah giler nak lipat!!

Officially for viewing by 3/3/2012

thankx to 23Apple for our lurverly wedding card :)


macam ni laa ragam ROn bila jumpe kotak!

sayangku Ron, sila laa bcareful dgn mummynye Card!!

so, the card kitorang order by february..itupon tmy family bising...lmbatnyerrrr...
wedding bulan 4..march dah kene distribute..oh far, by march kad dah siap..Alhamdulillah..
TQ card 1000keping pon dah siap..tinggal paper bag custom saje yang on going mid march siap...hopefully takde masalah sgt...

kad ni tempah kat 23Apple di JB....ok jugak diorg nih...sgt2 memahami kehendak saye yg sangat fussy...encik H2B lagi fussy far bile minta tukar itu ini, no prob laa to attend our needs...
thank you soooo much to the owner (en. Azlif) and adiknye Nabil...and pekerja mereka yang sgt setia, Shahrin and Nurul...kamoo byk sgt membantu :)

go to their page ok.... 23apple design ...


  1. ron...come to new mummy ehh...asyik kaco sana jer..meh sini..hehehehe ;p
