this is goin to be my 1st entering a contest...selalunya tgk org lain je masuk contest..tak sure boleh menang ke tak....
so..WHY NOT GIVE IT A TRY ?? mana tahu, kowt menang...well...fingers cross but no high hopes...hope mmg ada...but kita BERUSAHA, ALLAH MENENTUKANNYA...
so, here goes...
Contest Stunning Me by Qaseh Elyn...
my dream veil for nikah nnt..
simple as possible...im in love with pearlss...sgt2 suka dengan taburan pearls and beads... it looks beautiful...
not so long and not sooo short...sedang-sedang jer...yg ni sweet kan?? and the details is so nice as well ^_^
sangat suka detail lace yg macam nih...it looks so sweet n suci..hehe :) and kalau boleh nak letak small pearls or beads on the edge of the veil..elegant tak??
nowadays suke tgk head piece..tak sure boleh di adapatasikan ke atau pon tak...but...this one is nice..some have it on CEKAK with Ribbons...it looks cute...dont u think?? klw org orbesi dia guna tiara or headpiece utk stick on the veil to the hair...i think malays now also wear headpiece on their veils too...kan??
tapi my problem is..im not sure tudung berawning sesuai dgn my face...cause last time i use it, my MR AA kata MUKA MACAM IKAN KEMBUNG....
T_T huwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...nak nangis!!!
so, i stick to wearing selendang!
but i love this style....
sangat CANTIK!!! sangat sweet and compliment the face of the wearer....muka bulat and penuh macam epal ni boleh la kan pakai macam nih??
hehe..so, ok tak?? rasa2nya boleh menang tak Ms ELYN???
hopefully...InsyaAllah :)
wahh...simple. good luck ye dear.
ReplyDeletetengok gambar last tu terus memberi inspirasi nak gaya kan selendang tutup dada macam tu. sweet jerk.
salam perkenalan!
Wah . comel entri ni . Gud luck dear !
ReplyDeletebtw, follow me back ye .
cantik! i pun ske yg last tu..gud luck dear! i follow u..=)
ReplyDeletedearest newly fwen n b2b...sowiiiii..tak perasan comment2 u olls...nad sewius sgt2 sibuk sbb kerja yg berlmbak2...dan sebab tu lah blog nih bersawang dah berminggu juga...utk wedding pon dah 2 minggu tinggal..huwaaaaaaaa.....huhu