Saturday, December 24, 2011

the Dates : Revealed

Salam Semua...
reviewing all of the things needed...
im revealing the Dates..

Since my Atok Rashid is the head (i mean, he is still the Elderly in our family) of the family...We all have to follow his in the Adat Perkahwinan (i know My Sayang dun like it..but he said, Follow jelah)

So, the Adat in Malay Culture :-

Adat ini juga dipanggil meninjau atau menengok. Tujuan adat ini dilakukan adalah untuk memastikan bahawa gadis yang dihajati oleh seorang lelaki itu masih belum berpunya. Ini penting, kerana dalam Islam seseorang itu dilarang meminang tunangan orang.

Setelah diketahui bahawa gadis tersebut belum berpunya, pihak keluarga lelaki akan menetapkan hari untuk menghantar satu rombongan peminangan. Urusan peminangan akan dilakukan oleh kaum keluarga terdekat pihak lelaki. Adat ini dilakukan bagi menyatakan tujuan mereka yang sebenarnya secara rasmi. Saudara-mara kedua-dua belah pihak akan berunding untuk menetapkan tarikh dan masa yang sesuai untuk adat bertunang pula.

The Date for Merisik n Meminang : 28 November 2011 @ My home

Selepas perbincangan diadakan, majlis pertunangan akan dilangsungkan. Pihak lelaki akan diwakili oleh ahli keluarga dan saudara mara terdekatnya untuk upacara bertunang.

The Date for Bertunang : January 2012 @ My home (time CNY)

Akad Nikah
Akad nikah merupakan satu acara paling penting dalam perkahwinan masyarakat Melayu yang rata-ratanya beragama Islam. Ia bukan suatu adat tetapi lebih kepada ajaran agama dan merupakan kemuncak kesahihan sesuatu perkahwinan. Upacara ini dijalankan selepas segala perjanjian yang dikenakan kepada pihak lelaki telah dilaksanakan seperti wang belanja, mas kahwin dan barangan lain sepertimana yang dipersetujui oleh kedua belah pihak. Akad nikah boleh dilakukan di masjid, di pejabat kadi atau pun di rumah pengantin perempuan dan dijalankan oleh tok kadi atau imam. Di dalam upacara akad nikah, bapa pengantin perempuan perlu menjadi wali untuk menikahkan anaknya. Walau bagaimanapun, dia juga boleh mewakilkannya kepada tok kadi atau imam.

The Date for Akad nikah : 6 April 2012 @ My home (a day before my Birthday!)


so...hehehe...we jus bought the cincin bekah rotan..simple jer design n not expensive...i dun wear a gold ring (time raya jer given by my ma) at all this is my first cutesy golden ring from My Sayang...thank u sayang..n sorry, not much of a choice to pick n i dun want u to waste it..Im eyeing for nikah nnt ;p hehehehe...thank u Lurve..

alhamdulillah~~ ni tersangatlah lama simpan...sepatutnyer sebelum post

3 Months, 4 Weeks, 2 Days to go..., ape suda jadi??

xde majlis tunang..majlis risik terus the upper post aite :)

Friday, December 23, 2011

Little Attic Art GA!!!!

As i was browsing through facebook, i click on my future sis in-law facebook along

i know that along is a very creative person...i know she likes to do all these creative stuff such as jahit baju (i consider it as needs creativity!), quilling and paper crafts...

from Along's fcebook page i come across this creative blog too called Lin Handmade Greetings Card. Sgt chomey card2 beliau!! love it!!


there's the GIVE AWAY POST!!

Anyone can join this GA. Be it a Blogger OR a Facebooker. And guess, anywhere you are...

All you need to do is make a post about this giveaway and make sure there's a link to the PAGE!!

Then. In the comment box under the original post, please leave...

Your Name , Your Email , Your Posted Link

PRIZES TO BE WON?? ~~~>> Little Attic Art's Product

DEADLINE??? ~~~>> 28th December 2011

3 Lucky Winners will be picked randomly and the winners will be announced on
30th December 2011.
i hope i can win something :)
i like to try quilling...i like to start being creative again...
i remember my school years where i really enjoy painting, paper craftings and especially frame designing...i remember acrylic painting days with my mom..
i miss those happy n non-stressing moments...

the best thing are able to see the end product...and be proud of it...

i think mom still hv her acrylic paints somewhere hidden in the store room....MOM!!!

admiring quilling Guest Book...aaaahhh~~

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

wedding outfit...scary moment...pening kepala!!! B2B in Distress

dearest bloggers...need ur kind help...minggu nih nak kene hantar design baju utk bertandang...

this is the type tht they gave me...


Design A

 Design B

I like em both cume less flowery design for A and simplify the top...and for B, minus the cross section on the chest....i felt vulnerable lorr wearing tht kind of dress..but i like the tudung style..chomel jugakla..

but, some of my fwens suka A (esp en H2B) and also B for my fwens...
but...i hve some other fwens suggestions....

design nih mcm baju kebaya...cantek kan??

 Design nih pun simple :)

both are really nice...the 1st n 2nd mcm design A rite??

so i tot..gabungkan Design A and the kebaya with extra like ribbons n also gaya this....

so how??? help meeeee....

B2B in distress mode :((

Left Unnoticed

the weeks are hectic..and now im at last at the office..
too much of work and im too, having problems finishing it...
blaming on the time wasted ;p
even the wedding preparation is actually = PENDING
yup...seriously :((

im heading back to work on the..

im hungry..better find something to eat before work start
...owh...the wedding preparation can wait :)

3months to go..

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Stunning ME!!! By QASEH ELYN

this is goin to be my 1st entering a contest...selalunya tgk org lain je masuk contest..tak sure boleh menang ke tak....
so..WHY NOT GIVE IT A TRY ?? mana tahu, kowt menang...well...fingers cross but no high hopes...hope mmg ada...but kita BERUSAHA, ALLAH MENENTUKANNYA...

so, here goes...

Contest Stunning Me by Qaseh Elyn...

my dream veil for nikah nnt..
simple as in love with pearlss...sgt2 suka dengan taburan pearls and beads... it looks beautiful...


not so long and not sooo short...sedang-sedang jer...yg ni sweet kan?? and the details is so nice as well ^_^


sangat suka detail lace yg macam looks so sweet n suci..hehe :) and kalau boleh nak letak small pearls or beads on the edge of the veil..elegant tak??

nowadays suke tgk head piece..tak sure boleh di adapatasikan ke atau pon tak...but...this one is nice..some have it on CEKAK with looks cute...dont u think?? klw org orbesi dia guna tiara or headpiece utk stick on the veil to the hair...i think malays now also wear headpiece on their veils too...kan??

tapi my problem not sure tudung berawning sesuai dgn my face...cause last time i use it, my MR AA kata MUKA MACAM IKAN KEMBUNG....

T_T huwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...nak nangis!!!

so, i stick to wearing selendang!
but i love this style....

sangat CANTIK!!! sangat sweet and compliment the face of the wearer....muka bulat and penuh macam epal ni boleh la kan pakai macam nih??, ok tak?? rasa2nya boleh menang tak Ms ELYN???

hopefully...InsyaAllah :)

Thursday, December 8, 2011

3 Months, 4 Weeks, 2 Days to go...

Regarding to the numbers of people reading this blog..hehe..i know that no one really cares ;p
so, let me tell you a story..

jeng jeng jeng...
Title then  right now : Engaged!!

Starting Date : 28th November 2011 happy...
well..its my Atok Rashid's Idea plus my mum..

the "rombongan" jus came for Risik purpose only...not the Actual Proposal...
so..the discussion went on (which i dont know the real content of the discussion =_=!!)
and my Org2 tua decide to terus kan je with perTunangan...

So..I am Halfway There ^_^

Alhamdulillah ~~~

 so...regarding to the number of people reading this blog..what is my intention doing such blog??

"Telling My Heart Out!"


Thursday, December 1, 2011

Salam Takziah

Salam takziah untuk seluruh keluarga kak Laila (drafter Vickers Hoskins) yang telah pulang ke Rahmatullah pagi ini...
semoga Rohnya dicucuri rahmat dan ditempatkan dikalangan orang-orang yang Soleh dan Solehah...


Semoga Keluarga Allahyarhamah tabah menghadapi dugaan ini...